[00:00:00.00] Music: Hey guys, I'm just going to wait a couple of minutes for some people to jump on. If y'all can do me a favor and share this video. video wide and far. So I would have done this on TikTok except I don't know how to save my lives on TikTok. So let me just give it a minute. It says hang on we're telling people blah blah blah blah. I'll just sit here and use my vape. Hi Vlad! Vlad, can you share this on all our platforms, please? So I was trying to do I was trying to do a series of reels on my on my TikTok, but they blocked me from doing the reels. So if you honey, please put this on every single one of our platforms possible is shared everywhere. So I'm going to be talking to a few like two most important things. You remember what we started on obviously, psycholinguistic manipulation, and I want to make sure that this gets spread enough so that as many law enforcement people around all of North America can see it, because it's extremely important. It's time to touch on these things. Hi everybody. It's going to be a pretty important one tonight, so I'm just going to reiterate, I just got blocked from putting... putting reels up on TikTok. So I came on here to do a live so that we can share it because I can't share. I don't know how to share it. If somebody could teach me, I'd be really happy. So I'm going to be doing a live stream. So I'm going to be doing a live stream. So I'm Thank you. might not realize because I look very different these days. I was the short blonde-haired girl pulled off that speaker that went on international news at Dundas Square back in 2021 that was surrounded by cops and that was a hundred percent premeditated and planned and every word that I said during that arrest was also premeditated and planned which you know to to some to some nervous I'll say, when the judge realized that in the courtroom, she was grateful, and so was my Crown Prosecutor, and so were the cops, to be honest. But those police officers, when I cross-examined them, every single one of them broke down because they realized that on that day, they were the criminals against you guys in Toronto. Toronto were mad at me because after my second arrest, my ribs were really badly fractured after my second arrest, and I came back again and again the next weekend, and while the people wanted to rile against the cops in Toronto on my behalf, which I love you all for very much, they got mostly upset with me because I stood against that, and I adamantly stood against that and told stand down, and the reason why is that everyone who exists in our society, no matter their age, experience, or education, is susceptible to this sort of indoctrination. Everyone. Doesn't matter how smart you are. Doesn't matter how experienced you are. This is how brilliant it is. Okay? And it's... If you can wrap your head around the fact that everything starts with words, you will find remedies so much faster, and way less confusion. For instance, we've got people across this country going to serve police as if the police can just move on their own accord. That's not how it works. To everyone in Canada who has... evidence of crimes, indexed, prepped, and ready to go, you need to book appointments with justices of the peace on camera, and go in and present that evidence to them, and lay a criminal—and lay an information. That's what it's called, laying an information. Then the justice of the peace will be obligated by law, now witnessing and being, you know, and being made aware of a crime that comes with evidence, will have no choice but to act, and if they don't, you can deceit them. There is a consequence for everyone. You just have to learn the methods and procedures for getting them into. a position where consequence will apply, and as someone who was brought before a court of equity in front of a judge of inherent jurisdiction, whose powers are equal to every judge on the Supreme Court, I can tell you, I am the proof that the members that sit that high do. care. Don't let the one or two corrupt assholes, you know, make you lose your hope. Right now, the leader, the head, Robert Wagner of the Supreme Court of Canada is being investigated. Okay? For corruption, for breach of public trust, and so much more. He's a crap motherfucker, and do you want to know who did that? Well, I can't. I can't really tell you right now, I've got to keep her identity safe, but you will learn, you will learn these things, it's coming guys, it's coming. To every cop out there, it's time for you to learn how to cut the umbilical cord of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and I'm going to tell you why, right now, okay? And this is important information for every Canadian when it comes to the defence of your rights. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, in my opinion, was intentionally constructed to form a pathway for criminal politicians to avoid criminal accountability. Why and how? Let me explain it. First of all, does the government have any money? No, they do not. Other than the money that they steal from us. Because, as you know, every single representative comes out, you know, you know, into their retirement, millionaires, they which it which only happens because they steal from us. That's the truth. Okay, with backroom deals, line pockets, etc. Okay. So they manage our money. So if the government violates your constitutional rights, you know, how you get a remedy? What's your only remedy? Your remedy is to go to court in a civil matter, even though there was a supreme crime committed against you, you go to court in a civil matter using tort law to obtain your remedy by way of restitution, which is basically you sue the but the government doesn't have any money. They're managing your money. So you're paying yourself for a correct politician committing a crime on you a supreme crime at that. No, no, no, no, no. This is why I've been saying it for four years, that we cannot look this as a civil issue when a crime is being committed and it is a crime. Legislation is not law. Legislation is the rules within society. Law is the rule, is what rules over society and any piece of legislation that is constructed to violate the law that rules over society is of no force or effect and is in fact a criminal act. A criminal act. But the problem is because our entire judiciary, our entire justice system has been fragmented into all these little disciplines. We're having trouble providing the courage to the individuals who really want to bring remedy and relief. So to everyone in law enforcement out there, please listen to me. Humor me. Stop looking at these situations as a lawyer disciplined in the practice of a specific department. of law and start looking at it as a master of your craft because you are. Don't be afraid or discouraged by the doctors and the nurses and the other amazing upper echelonic people of our society and what has happened to them. You come with much more power than that and you will be backed with the power of these people. Canadian that exists out there, you want your freedom, you need to prove it now. We are going to put the ability for you to participate in every policy that affects our society in the palm of your hand, and nobody will be able to disregard it, corrupt it, change it. or anything else, every single one of you, to all the healthcare workers down there that have been protesting, you will be able to change those policies. You will be able to bring up and introduce bills. You will have recalls and referendums that will not cost $6 million. It won't cost more than the data. it takes for you to turn on your phone and open the app. So, collect independence on every level of government, federally and provincially, in an organized, like a party, but cannot be a party, and the reason why is because anything you register belongs for the term of that registration, for the term of the contract, to whomever the entity is that you're registering to. So when you register a political party, you don't own the property of it. That means that anyone who gets involved with a political party who truly wants to make change cannot actually do it. because they become bound by contract to the whip of the Privy Council, who is the Crown of Canada, who makes quote-unquote "recommendations" that are basically dictates out to all the parties and that's just it. They are bound. You want proof? Ask Randy Helye. Ask him why. four years, it was only when he finally was completely released from Parliament that he brought forth the fact that there is sexual grooming happening to political youth groups by every single political party in this country. Ask him why. He didn't say it before, because he was bound by contract. That's why. There is a difference between the structure and the system. in this country. The system can only be fixed if we plug the hole in the boat and stop the ship from sinking, folks. Look towards the structure. It's time for us to enforce our authority the right way and I think it's by the first steps to self-governance and providing every individual Canadian and native alike full equality enforced and backed by the law and we're gonna do that and provide you the platform and the place to put it it doesn't belong to me might be my method in my strategy but it was it's not mine alone I've never in years of international civil and human rights been so confident and and you know we've got a temporary community up the official basics platform for the independent Canada campaign will be launched this Friday and it will expand and the domain that we're building okay the basic one the basic structure of it website for informative purposes etc etc and to bring more people into the campaign. We'll be up on Friday but the domain we're building will extend to include a media channel that intends to incorporate every single independent media and podcaster across this country onto a actual schedule, and we'll also have on-demand and even pay-per-view choices, you know what I mean, for events that these independent media that have solidly been telling the truth to the public, you know, we want to network them into a national media network. It's time. It's time to do all of these things. It will also include... We're going to have memberships on there for very, very, very, very cheap. In fact, once we string in all of our organizations and groups across this country on the grassroots level, we want to collectively, amongst everyone, and with the help of a lawyer who will hold all of the donated monies and funds that are raised in a trust, and we will build it. trust committee that branches across the entire nation, so the leaders of all of the participating organizations and support groups that come in, we'll choose one representative each who will sit on a national treasury council, and we're going to launch a $1 to freedom campaign. $1 to freedom. Because the truth is, is an-- And I am directly connected to over 400 groups and organizations across Canada, directly. There is no reason why we cannot do this collectively, and finance the entire campaign from beginning to end, and we don't even need to go that far. We just need to raise enough to support that. background, like the technology behind this campaign. That's it. I don't want to die. I don't want nothing from you guys, but your freedom and your commitment to get that freedom. That's all I want. That's all I've ever wanted. You know, so enough with the fucking clown show. Let's get to work. Share the video. I am attending the Stronger Together conference in Manitoba from June 21st to 23rd, and I'm sitting on a litigation panel with the military's lawyers, Police for Freedom, and many others, and I'm going to bring these things up, and I'm going to present them, and I'm ready to debate them. So, to whoever can answer that, thank you. attend that, I encourage you to do so. Following that conference, I will be at the Wild West Ranch and I will live stream it for those who truly can't make it, but I'm also going to be hosting a private meeting at Wild West Ranch. So for anybody out there across the country that could get there. to everyone in Saskatchewan, Manitoba and even Alberta and Eastern Ontario that can drive there. Do. Because there are things that I cannot yet release publicly because it will provide this corrupt regime with the ability to thwart actions that are happening. But I'll tell you this, your freedom is only a hop, skip and jump around the corner, and if you adopt this campaign and commit to it, I promise you, not only will this country be changed for the better of everyone in it within two years, but then it will echo around the whole fucking world, guys. enough is enough. So I might be a chick, but I know what I'm fucking talking about. So let's get it done. Thanks.inaudible